Hi marriedtoajw - it is so tough isn't it. 25 years you have put up with that and you let her drag the kids in. I have been having some success with my wife not going so frequently and her not taking my son. But circumstances will vary from case to case. Please PM me so we can chat some more. Cheers Frazzled
Frazzled UBM
JoinedPosts by Frazzled UBM
My wife is never going to wake up.
by marriedtoajw inwhat do you do when you believe in your heart that your spouse is never going to wake up to the tatt?
when you're sick of the cherade of pretending you can deal with the spiritual division when you dont think you can anymore.
when you're convinced that your spouse is so decieved she is lost in a desert and is fine with living by the mirage.
New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help
by jnjburkett inhello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
Frazzled UBM
Hi JNJBurkett - I am glad you came back. We understand how what the Witnesses present to you can be very very attractive at first. They seem to have all the answers and they appear so friendly and loving (they give you an instant community to become a part of) and considerate and they give you so much encouragement and positive feedback and they appear genuine in wanting to answer your questions. And what they have to offer - a relationship with a loving father figure supreme being they claim is called Jehovah and an everlasting life on a Paradise earth also appears very attractive. You may also want to think about what it is about what the Witnesses offer that is so attractive to you. If for example it is the sense of belenging to a group then think about other soical groups that might work for you etc.
What everyone here is trying to warn you is that all is not as it appears. But you need to find this out for yourself. There is a lot of good advice and warnings on this thread from people who have learnt from bitter experience that this is a high control organisation who uses the threat of global genocide by a vengeful god to require absolute unquestioning obedience and punishes those show ask uncomfortable questions who do not accept the organisation's claims by total shunning, which is a form of bullying. As others have noted they use the BITE methodology to maintain control of the thinking of the Witnesses. So take your time, do your reasearch and asks questions that arise from your research of your study leader and see what response you get. Take care and remember we have your best interests at heart. Frazzled
Main reason JWs are JWs
by Batman89 inwhat is the(or what was your) main motivation for serving god as a jw(or any christian)?.
a) love for god and genuinely trying to learn more about him and bible truths?.
b) to escape punishment/death at armegddon?.
Frazzled UBM
Batman99 - you do realized that giving us a binary either or proposittion is very WBTS logic, don't you? Reducing complexity to a simple if not this, then that proposition.
Main reason JWs are JWs
by Batman89 inwhat is the(or what was your) main motivation for serving god as a jw(or any christian)?.
a) love for god and genuinely trying to learn more about him and bible truths?.
b) to escape punishment/death at armegddon?.
Frazzled UBM
blondie - don't forget the stick of gruesome annihilation at Armageddon that is coming oh sooooo sooooon. The carrot and stick work in tandem.
Crap trying to reason with a Mormon He is asking about the Sabath
by Found Sheep innice guy i worked with him for about a year.
he is mormon but every time we were in a place to talk he brought up religion, cult thinking.... he needs to come clean i think.... ripe for the vine of non cult thinking but not an ex-jw so i don't have the upper hand?
is there a coc for mormons?
Frazzled UBM
Suggest he go and see the "Book of Mormon" musical - it takes the piss out the Mormons mercilessly. Shows how ridiculous their beliefs are.
New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help
by jnjburkett inhello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
Frazzled UBM
DCMS, Outlaw and LL - you might be correct about Ms Burkett being a troll. I notice another thread about how to start a bible study which seems disingenuous and was probably started by a troll. However, what if Ms Burkett was not a troll. As AA pointed out she was acused of being a trol just because she didn't accept certain things she was told when she first joined. Luckily she stuck around. Just because Ms Burkett did not readily accept information being given to her and argued back does not necessarily make her a troll. It is also consistent with someone in the grip of cognitive dissonance and as we know trying to reason with such a person is unlikley to be succesful and can also be counter-proiductive if we overreact to the fact that they don't reasdikly accept what we are telling them. Cheers Fraz
I am sick and tired, I am proud, I am leaving
by never a jw infor 2 years, soon after my daughter's baptism, i have been exchanging many emails with an elder of her congregation.
good man, but he is a jw and he just drove me to the brink of madness recently; that was the drop the spill the water.
it's a cult.
Frazzled UBM
Cheers Felipe - I has been a pleasure having you on JWN and I will send you an email - Frazzled
Opposing opinions
by GoUnion inany current or ex jw knows there is a lot of counsel against association with nice people that do not share your faith.
i think this is very damaging for personal growth, we never really can challenge our convictions, we become stunted in ability to reason and make personal decisions.
this is also why the organization has fought against "higher education" so hard.
Frazzled UBM
cantleave LOL but you forgot to add that if they don't come around to your way of thinking they deserve to die an imminent horrible painful death
Looking to speak to current & ex-JWs in Australia
by nomoreklondikes inhope you don't mind me posting.
i'm a freelance writer, and am currently writing a story on the jehovah's witnesses church for a melbourne magazine.
i've spoken with an elder/spokesperson of a melbourne jw church, who explained the official positions of the church at length, but i'm really interested in getting more of a sense of the day to day experiences of jws, both current and former.
Frazzled UBM
I will be very interested to read this article to see which angle it comes from. This is an important topic and I hope it gets proper critical treatment. Unfortunately it doesn't look like something that will get widespread coverage and given its length is not likely to get picked up by mainstream newspapers.
New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help
by jnjburkett inhello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
Frazzled UBM
Guys - JNJBurkett has left the building - here we had a perfect opportunity to save some poor soul before she got sucked into the WBTS vortex but by making outlandish and irrelevant comments about JWs and the YMCA we allowed her cognitive dissonance an escape route. And then some of us (you know who you are) starting being rude to her and she bailed and she will now believe all the things they will be telling her at the KH about Apostates. If this site has a mission it is to save the likes of Ms Burkett (she had only been studying for a month and had concerns). She was no troll. No one explained 'love bombing' or the techniques of indoctrination used by the Witnesses. Obviously she had already developed an emotional attachment - maybe the Witnesses were giving her some sense of belonging she is lacking - some questions about what she liked about studying may have elicited that and opened a door to get through to her. Come on folks we need to get smarter and gentler in the way we handle people like her so we can get our message across. Sorry to lecture but I was a bit disappointed to read how this thread evolved. Fraz